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The Group support health-care workers

France's Grand Est and Île-de-France regions were hit hard by the Covid-19 crisis. Hospital centers and their staff had to deal with a huge increase in the number of patients infected with the virus and faced a serious challenge during the lockdown. In solidarity with its fellow countrymen and women, the OMERIN Foundation lent its help and support to health-care workers, in a rather unexpected way.

During  discussions  with  several  department  managers  at  hospital centers  in  the  Grand  Est  region,  they  suggested  that  snacks  and chocolate bars could be of great help to their staff. Chocolate, which is a delicious treat at any time, is very comforting, particularly when people are overworked. It is also a source of sugar and energy, and is convenient as a quick snack in between seeing patients. No sooner said than done. We launched the operation named “SNACKING” and found  a  supplier,  placing  an  order  for 33,000 chocolate bars of all kinds  (such  as  Mars,  Twix,  Bounty  and  Kit  Kat).

The  snack  food  was  dispatched  to  nine  major  hospital  centers  (in  the Grand-Est region, as well as Saint-Étienne and Clermont-Ferrand), which then  distributed  it  to  their  various  establishments. The  staff  members, including  nurses,  nurse's  aides  and  doctors,  were  very  touched  by  our gesture of solidarity and thanked us by sending photographs and letters.

Once again, to support the country during these hard times, the OMERIN Foundation made donations to the Fondation Hôpitaux de Paris – Hôpitaux de  France,  the  French  Red  Cross,  Secours  Populaire,  and  Secours Catholique.  The  Covid-19  crisis  did  not  spare  the  disadvantaged,  who needed more help than usual during the lockdown. In partnership with the Lions Club de France, our Foundation contributed to the purchase of 20 digital tablets for Coronavirus patients at the Clermont-Ferrand  University  Hospital  Center. This  allowed  the  patients,  who  had come from other parts of the country where hospitals were full, to stay in contact with their families.

Our Foundation also joined forces with a group of 10 other companies in the local area to buy protective suits and masks for health-care workers at the Clermont-Ferrand University Hospital Center.In  addition,  we  donated  many  protective  masks  (surgical  and  FFP2)  to various  local  organizations,  including  the  Ambert  hospital  center,  the Clermont-Ferrand University Hospital Center, the Nazareth nursing home in  Puy-en-Velay,  the  St-Joseph  nursing  home  in Arlanc,  the ADMR  and APAMAR  (associations  providing  personal  care  services),  as  well  as ambulance services and local authorities.

In Tunisia, Prince Medical Bizerte donated 150 food packages, containing milk,  oil,  flour,  pasta,  semolina,  sugar,  soap,  bleach,  and  more,  to disadvantaged residents, to help them get through the crisis with fewer worries.  Protective  suits  and  shoe  covers  were  also  ordered,  to  be distributed to the hospital in Bizerte.

It  was  reassuring  to  learn  that  many  other  companies  also  undertook solidarity actions to help people on the front line of this global health crisis.

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