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Legal Notices


Purpose of Website

The website is a showcase/catalogue website accessible via Internet.


  •  Company name: OMERIN CABLES SAS (holding company for the OMERIN Group)
  •  Legal status and registered capital: French S.A.S company with capital of €20,187,200.00
  • Trade and Companies Registry: Clermont-Ferrand B 400 110 078
  • Siret no.: 40011007800013
  • Intra-community VAT no.: FR 60400110078
  • French APE/NAF code: 7010Z
  • Head office: 244, avenue Michel Omerin 63600 AMBERT FRANCE
  • Tel. +33 (0) 4 73 82 50 00
  • Email:
  • Publishing Director: Xavier OMERIN

Hosting Service

  • NFrance
  • Address: 4 Rue John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 31000 Toulouse - FRANCE
  • Tel.: +33 (0)5 34 45 55 00


  • WEBQAM Développement
  • Address : 27 rue des aciéries, 42000 Saint-Etienne
  • Tel: 04 77 93 18 63
  • Email :
  • Siret No: 501 967 459 00014 RCS Saint-Etienne

Intellectual Property

All text elements, animated or static images, designs, graphics, instructions for use, templates and all other items used to publish the website are reserved for the exclusive use of the OMERIN Group. The full or partial reproduction of this site by any means whatsoever without prior authorisation of the OMERIN Group is prohibited and shall be considered an infringement of copyright and penalised by articles L.335-2 and subsequent of the French intellectual property code.

Names cited on the website and names followed by the ® symbol are registered trademarks or trade names belonging to the OMERIN Group. The company shall accept no liability resulting from the use of data, information or product ranges provided on this site.

The title, design, form and content of the website, such as text, illustrations, original images and their layout, as well as any video compilation, fundamental source code, software (including applets) and other elements of site content are the property of the OMERIN Group.

The information provided on this site is not contractually binding. All content may be modified without notice and in no event shall it engage the responsibility of the OMERIN Group and its partners.

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