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High temperature cables with composite insulation

Excellent heat resistance, Extreme temperatures from -190°C to +1400°C, Resistant to corrosive chemical environments.
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The OMERIN Group is the world's leading manufacturer of cables for extreme conditions (-190°C to +1400°C). The combination of glass-yarn or mineral-yarn braids and materials such as polyimide, mica composite, and fluoropolymers (FEP, PFA, PTFE) enable us to manufacture specialised cables that withstand very low (-190°C – cryogenics) and very high (up to +1400°C) temperatures. Our high-temperature SILICABLE® and SILIFLAM® wires and cables are designed to withstand extreme conditions for applications such as ovens, furnaces and dryer wiring and all types of electrical heating elements (cartridge heaters, finned tubular elements, etc.), and in Ironworks, Glass Works, Power Stations and High-Risk Sites, Household and Professional Appliances, and many other industries.

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